Victim of ESA Fraud?
Our Mission
Formerly SPODA, the Society for Prevention of Online Diagnostic Abuse, Prevent ESA Fraud is a nonprofit organization formed to educate the general public, housing providers and airlines of the rights, law, and responsibilities of legitimate Emotional Support Animal ownership.
"We are starting this nonprofit to help people and businesses become educated about Emotional Support Animals and stop invalid ESA letters from harming people and businesses. As an attorney who advocates for the disabled, it breaks my heart when we cannot help a person that purchases a fraudulent ESA letter online." - Dominick Latino, attorney
Who We Are
Prevent ESA Fraud was founded by an industry leading law firm, Column Law Firm, LLC, tired of disreputable online companies with fake ESA letters and Mental Health Professionals not properly performing diagnoses.
Industry benefactor - US Service Animals:
"Our company spends an enormous amount of resources fielding the customer service complaints from these ESA letter mills (websites) who are nowhere to be found after you give them your money. We want to educate people about proper ESA consultations and stop people from being scammed." - Matt Handal, founder of US Service Animals
Emotional Support Animal Fraud
Are you a patient and a victim of receiving a fraudulent Emotional Support Animal (ESA) letter? CLICK HERE Are you a landlord and a victim of receiving a fraudulent Emotional Support Animal (ESA) letter? CLICK HEREThere are many online companies that advertise that they can provide you with a mental health diagnosis that will allow you to live with your animal. However, you must be careful.
Report Fraud and Abuse here
Hot Topics
Know Your Company – Don’t Commit Fraud
You may be part of diagnostic fraud and not even know it. There are many online fraudulent websites that are “diagnosing” patients with mental and emotional disabilities with a questionnaire but no personal interaction with a mental health professional. As a result, many states are cracking down of “Service Dog Fraud”. “Service Dog Fraud” includes therapy animals and Emotional Support Animals (ESAs). As of March 2018, there are 22 states with both criminal and civil penalties for “Service Dog Fraud” according to Michigan State University Animal Legal & Historical Center. This includes jail time and hefty fines. Read more...
Prevent ESA Fraud Begins Cleaning up the Industry
For January 2020 Prevent ESA Fraud has initiated complaints against mental health professionals whom are not following standards of care in the issuance of Emotional Support Animals in the following states: California, Colorado, Illinois, Ohio, and Texas. Click for more information regarding Prevent ESA Fraud Online Diagnostic Standards. For more information about the specific complaints filed please login to your paid membership section. Click here to learn more about membership.Our Process

Report Fraud
Tell us more about your experience with an online diagnostic service.

Be Heard
When you submit your case we'll voice your complaint where it matters and seek retribution immediately.